Program Advantages

SDI for Employers

Diabetes affects people from every walk of life. Regardless of your industry, it’s likely your business has been negatively impacted by diabetes. You may not realize it, but diabetes can cause significant productivity losses due to illness, absenteeism, complications from the disease, and caregiver responsibilities. Traditionally, diabetes, like other chronic diseases, has been treated in the existing medical model. But, using our innovative model of healthcare, SDI creates a framework for developing cooperative efforts among employers and employees in the treatment and care of chronic diabetes.

Technical Approach

Using our management programs, we can help employers reduce absenteeism and improve productivity by providing employees easy, timely access to a dedicated care team of health professionals that knows them and understands their unique needs. Our partnership not only helps your business, but has the potential to reduce the burden of diabetes management on primary care physicians and employees’ families, as well as reducing unexpected diabetes-related events resulting in ER visits and hospitalizations.

Individually-designed programs based on the type and severity of prediabetes/ diabetes, with clearly-defined goals leading to improvement in self-management ability
Access to a well-trained & dedicated team in person and virtually, complemented by remote monitoring using state-of-the-art technology
A “continuous” process of evaluation and management to prevent crises and optimize proficiency in self-management

Financial & Other Benefits

Healthier and more productive workforce (reduced absenteeism and presenteeism)
Reduction in time off from work for office visits and overall use of high cost healthcare, such as emergency room or hospital
More effective use of healthcare funds, reduction in pharmacy costs due to medication optimization
Building a cooperative/collaborative business model focusing on delivering specifically defined objectives
Strengthen patient-physician relationship, education of family/caregivers, thereby spreading awareness in communities
Sustainable care delivery model under any circumstance (as proven during COVID-19 crisis)